Sentence examples of "logro" in Spanish

Ningún otro participante ha conseguido un logro tan remarcable. No other contestant has obtained such a remarkable achievement.
A él también se le acredita haber desterrado a todas las serpientes de Irlanda, y es por este logro que yo quisiera compartir esta alegoría y unirme con San Patricio en desterrar a las serpiente de toda Babilonia, y de todas partes. He is also credited with banishing all the snakes from Ireland, and it is to this accomplishment that I would like to share this allegory and join with St. Patrick in banishing the snakes from all of Babylon, everywhere.
Espero que tú lo logres. I do hope you'll succeed.
Nunca logré memorizar mi DNI. I never managed to memorize my ID.
Se ha logrado lo imposible. The impossible was achieved.
Sus logros académicos son impresionantes. His academic achievements are impressive.
Él jamás parecía lograr nada. He never seemed to accomplish anything.
Los infinitos logros de Cristóbal Colón son una amenaza para Google, que no sabe cómo catalogar el infinito cuando alguien busca "Cristóbal Colón". Christopher Columbus's infinite accomplishments are a threat to Google, who do not know how to index infinity when someone searches for "Christopher Columbus".
George logró su meta de viajar a América. George reached his goal of traveling to America.
Ella logró abrir la caja. She succeeded in opening the box.
Ella logró conducir un auto. She managed to drive a car.
Él logró al fin su objetivo. He finally achieved what he set out to do.
Él siempre está alardeando de sus logros. He is always boasting of his achievements.
No quedó claro si lograron hacerlo o no. It was not clear whether they had accomplished it or not.
"Ella nunca juzgaría sus propios logros, pero ha tenido éxito consiguiendo lo que se había propuesto hacer en su primer año", dice la fuente. "She would never judge her own accomplishments, but she has succeeded in achieving what she set out to do in her first year," the source said.
Ella logró sacarle la verdad. She succeeded in drawing the truth from him.
Me apresuré y logré alcanzar el bus. I hurried and managed to catch the bus.
Él trabaja duro para lograr su objetivo. He works hard to achieve his goal.
Por sus logros, ellos le otorgaron la medalla de oro. They awarded him a gold medal for his achievement.
Tom y Mary lograron su misión sin ninguna dificultad. Tom and Mary accomplished their mission without any difficulty.
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