Sentence examples of "mano" in Spanish

Él me agarró la mano. He caught hold of my hand.
Levanté la mano para preguntar. I raised my hand to ask a question.
Escribe con la mano izquierda. She writes with her left hand.
¿Me echas la mano, Taro? Will you lend a hand, Taro?
Él murió por mi mano. He was killed by my hand.
Quítame la mano del cuello. Take your hand off my neck.
Solo deseo tomar su mano. I just want to hold her hand.
¿Qué tienes en la mano? What do you have in your hand?
Una mano lava la otra. One hand washes the other.
Tom tiene la mano caliente. Tom has a hot hand.
¿Ustedes caminan de la mano? Do you walk hand in hand?
Por favor échame una mano. Please give me a hand.
Lo saludó dándole la mano. She greeted him waving her hand.
Él me dio la mano. He shook my hand.
No, es de segunda mano. No, it's second hand.
Ella sonrió, agitando su mano. She smiled, waving her hand.
La cogí de la mano. I caught her by the hand.
El perro me mordió la mano. The dog bit me in the hand.
Tiene una flor en la mano. She has a flower in her hand.
Él me cogió de la mano. He took me by the hand.
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