Sentence examples of "mayor" in Spanish with translation "big"

Ahora eres un niño mayor, compórtate. Now you are a big boy, behave yourself.
Eres igualito a tu hermano mayor. You look just like your big brother.
El mayor problema del momento es el desempleo. The biggest problem of the hour is unemployment.
Un cachalote es la mayor ballena con dientes. A sperm whale is the biggest toothed whale.
Mi hermano mayor terminó su tarea con gran rapidez. My big brother finished his homework very quickly.
Yo tengo un hermano mayor y dos hermanas menores. I have one big brother and two little sisters.
San Pablo es el mayor productor de huevos del país. São Paulo is the biggest producer of eggs in the country.
Mi hermano mayor obtuvo un puesto en un gran negocio. My elder brother got a position in a big business.
Mi hermano es lo suficientemente mayor como para viajar solo. My brother is big enough to travel alone.
El gobierno de Estados Unidos acabó con el mayor terrorista. The government of the United States put down the biggest terrorist.
La mayor derrota para un ateo es terminar en el paraíso. The biggest defeat for an atheist is ending up in paradise.
Tom tiene una gran familia. Tom has a big family.
¡Vaya! ¡Pero qué gran caja! Wow! What a big box!
Tokio es una gran ciudad. Tokyo is a big city.
Quiero pedirte un gran favor. I want to ask you a big favor.
¿Cómo resolvió el gran problema? How did he work out the big problem?
¿Acaso hace una gran diferencia? Does it make a big difference?
Tom tiene un gran corazón. Tom has a big heart.
Nos espera un gran día. A big day awaits us.
Hubo un gran incendio anoche. There was a big fire last night.
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