Sentence examples of "me quería" in Spanish

Ella me dijo que me quería. She told me she loved me.
Nunca le ha querido nadie. Nobody has ever loved him.
Dios está cansado de querernos. God's tired of loving us.
El anciano era querido por todos. The old man was loved by everyone.
Nos queremos el uno al otro. We love each other.
Francine y yo nos queríamos mucho. Francine and I loved each other very much.
Tienes que cuidar de tus seres queridos. You need to look after your loved ones.
Él siempre te está mirando. Debe quererte. He's always looking at you. He must love you.
Ella era querida por todos en la villa. She was loved by everybody in the village.
Él es un gran entrenador, querido por todos sus jugadores. He's a great coach and is loved by all his players.
No me quería dejar leer la carta. She wouldn't allow me to read the letter.
No me quería levantar temprano. I didn't want to get up early.
Tom quería lavarse las manos. Tom wanted to wash his hands.
La policía quería evitar un derramamiento de sangre. The police wanted to avoid bloodshed.
Él siguió importunándola hasta que ella le dijo lo que quería saber. He kept badgering her until she told him what he wanted to know.
Tom no pudo permitirse comprar la bicicleta que quería. Tom couldn't afford to buy the bicycle he wanted.
Tom no quería ir a la guerra. Tom didn't want to go to war.
Tom no quería hacer el trabajo sucio. Tom didn't want to do their dirty work.
Jane quería un cono de helado. Jane wanted an ice cream cone.
Tom decidió que quería comer solo. Tom decided that he wanted to eat by himself.
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