Sentence examples of "momento" in Spanish with translation "time"

No es un buen momento. It's a bad time.
Tal vez en otro momento. Maybe some other time.
En ese momento lo conocí. I met him then for the first time.
¿Estabas sobrio en aquel momento? Were you sober at that time?
¿Podría ser en otro momento? Could you make it another time?
En este momento no puedo volver. At this time I can't go back.
¿Qué estabas haciendo en ese momento? What were you doing at that time?
Estuvo completamente resentido hasta ese momento. He was good and mad by that time.
Estábamos cocinando tempura en aquel momento. We were cooking tempura at that time.
Hay un momento indicado para todo. There is a right time for everything.
En aquel momento, yo seguía despierto. At that time, I was still awake.
Un terremoto puede ocurrir en cualquier momento. An earthquake can happen at any time.
Mary te estaba buscando en ese momento. Mary was looking for you at that time.
En aquel momento yo aún estaba despierto. At that time, I was still awake.
Tom llegó justo en el momento correcto. Tom arrived at just the right time.
Puede haber un terremoto en cualquier momento. An earthquake can take place at any time.
¿Cuál es tu momento del día preferido? What's your favorite time of day?
En cualquier momento puede ocurrir una emergencia. An emergency may occur at any time.
¿Dónde estabas en el momento del asesinato? Where were you at the time of the murder?
¿Estabas en la escuela en ese momento? Were you at school at that time?
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