Sentence examples of "no es que" in Spanish

No es que no me guste divertirme, es que no tengo tiempo. It's not that I don't like to have fun - I don't have time.
No es que me guste realmente. Sólo me parece extremadamente atractivo. It's not that I seriously like him. I just find him very attractive.
El problema no es que no hablen de mí, es que no hablan CONMIGO. The problem is not that they do not talk about me, the problem is that they do not talk WITH me.
El problema con el mundo no es que la gente sepa muy poco, sino que saben demasiadas cosas que no son verdad. The trouble with the world isn't that people know too little, but they know so many things that ain't so.
No es que me desagrade leer; tan sólo que no tengo tiempo. It's not that I dislike reading; it's just that I have no time.
No es que de verdad me guste. Es sólo que me parece muy atractivo. It's not that I seriously like him. I just find him very attractive.
No es que Cristóbal Colón fuera un explorador porque le encantara el mar; lo era porque odiaba las prisiones españolas. Christopher Columbus wasn't an explorer because he loved the sea. He was an explorer because he hated Spanish jails.
Él todavía no ha llegado. Lo más seguro es que se le haya pasado el bus. He hasn't come yet. He will certainly have missed the bus.
¿Acaso no es molesto? Isn't that annoying?
Ese hombre ya ha tocado fondo: su mujer le ha dejado, le han echado del trabajo y es alcohólico. Lo peor es que yo le conocía, él era mi jefe hace cinco años. That man has hit bottom: his wife has left him, he's lost his job, and he's an alcoholic. The worst is that I know him--he used to be my boss five years ago.
Mary no es pobre. Al contrario, es bastante rica. Mary is not poor. On the contrary, she is quite rich.
Naturalmente, otra explicación de esta situación es que el chino es más difícil de aprender que el inglés. Of course, another explanation of this situation is that Chinese is harder to learn than English.
Una vela sin pabilo no es una vela en absoluto. A candle without a wick is no candle at all.
Lo único que importa es que estás a salvo. The only thing that matters is that you are safe.
No es de los nuestros. He's not one of us.
Hay pocos errores, si es que hay alguno. There are few, if any, mistakes.
No ser alto no es una desventaja seria en la vida. Not being tall is not a serious disadvantage in life.
La verdad es que nada es totalmente cierto o errado. The truth is that nothing is totally true or false.
Si sabes que va a ocurrir algo desagradable, que irás al dentista por ejemplo, o a Francia, entonces, eso no es bueno. If you know that something unpleasant will happen, that you will go to the dentist for example, or to France, then that is not good.
Todo lo que sabemos por ahora es que Aguiar está bien. Everything we know by now is that Aguiar is fine.
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