Sentence examples of "parados" in Spanish

Ellos estaban parados en fila. They were standing in a row.
Con tantos parados, mucha gente ya no puede pagar su hipoteca. With so many unemployed, many can't pay their mortgages.
Se podía ver el lago Biwa desde donde estábamos parados. Lake Biwa could be seen from where we were standing.
El sol brilla para todos We are all equal in the eyes of the Lord
Para de armar un escándalo. Stop making a fuss.
Ella arriesgó su vida para salvarle. She risked her life to save him.
Desearía tener razones para no quedarme. I wish I had a reason not to stay.
La mayor derrota para un ateo es terminar en el paraíso. The biggest defeat for an atheist is ending up in paradise.
El coche se paró porque no pisaste el embrague. The car stalled because you didn't step on the clutch.
El detective que contraté me llamó para decirme que tiene una pista prometedora. The detective I hired called to tell me he has a promising lead.
Tom pisó fuerte el pedal de freno y paró en seco con un chirrido. Tom stomped on the brake pedal and screeched to a halt.
Tom es bueno para conducir. Tom is good at driving.
Ellos se pararon para hablar. They stopped to talk.
Ella trabajó duro para ahorrar dinero. She worked hard in order to save money.
No puedo quedarme aquí para siempre. I can't stay here forever.
Él es tan tenso para coquetear que termina alejando a las mujeres. He flirts so forcefully that he ends up pushing women away.
El coche se paró porque no pisaste el embrague. The car stalled because you didn't step on the clutch.
¿Hay suficientes sillas para todos? Are there enough chairs to go around?
Nunca se para a pensar. He never stops to think.
Él arriesgó su vida para salvarla. He risked his life to save her.
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