Sentence examples of "pasaron" in Spanish

¿Y ustedes cómo pasaron la navidad? How did you spend Christmas?
Pasaron muchas cosas en el mismo día. Many things happened on the same day.
Esos dos estudiantes no pasaron la prueba. Both of those students didn't pass the test.
Muchas personas pasaron por la calle principal. A lot of people went by on the main street.
Pasaron la noche en la playa. They spent the night on the beach.
Mientras estábamos ocupados, 2 horas pasaron de nuevo. While we were busy, 2 hours passed again.
Pasaron los meses sin tener noticias suyas. Months went past without any news from him.
Entonces pasaron ese día con Jesús. Then, they spent that day with Jesus.
Los años pasaron tan rápido como las nubes de verano. The years passed by as fast as clouds in summer.
Muchos grandes hombres pasaron penurias durante su juventud. Many great men went through hardship during their youth.
Ellos pasaron el día entero en la playa. They spent the entire day on the beach.
Tom y Mary pasaron a la exploración de una cueva. Tom and Mary went caving.
¿Piensas que tus padres pasaron suficiente tiempo contigo durante tu adolescencia? Do you think your parents spent enough time with you when you were in your teens?
Los chicos pasaron todas sus vacaciones en la granja del Sr Wood. But the boys spent all their holidays on Mr Wood's farm.
Paso mucho tiempo escuchando música. I spend a lot of time listening to music.
Nunca me pasa a mí. It never happens to me.
Pasa la sal, por favor. Pass the salt, please.
¿Qué río pasa por Zaragoza? What river goes through Zaragoza?
Me has pasado tu frío. You've given me your cold.
Sólo pasé a decir adiós. I just dropped in to say goodbye.
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