Sentence examples of "pastel de boda" in Spanish

Mi madre nos suele preparar pastel de manzana. My mother often bakes apple pies for us.
Tom cenó pastel de carne y puré. Tom had meat loaf and mashed potatoes for dinner.
A pesar de mi dieta, no pude evitar tomar una rebanada de pastel de chocolate. In spite of my diet, I couldn't help taking a slice of chocolate cake.
Mi madre le está haciendo un pastel a mi padre. My mother is making my father a cake.
Su boda se celebrará mañana. Their wedding will be tomorrow.
Tom recibió un trozo pequeño de pastel. Tom got a small portion of pie.
La boda se celebró a las diez. The wedding was celebrated at ten.
A las cinco habrá café y un pastel. There'll be coffee and cake at five.
Se celebró la boda en el hotel Ritz. The wedding took place in the Ritz Hotel.
Éste es el mejor pastel que he comido hasta ahora. This is the best cake that I have ever eaten.
Ella no pudo ir a la boda. She couldn't go to the wedding.
Para hacer un pastel, debes usar huevos, mantequilla y azúcar. In making a cake, you must use eggs, butter and sugar.
Todos estuvimos presentes en su boda. We were all present at her wedding.
El pastel se ha echado a perder, ya no hay quien se lo coma... The cake has gone bad, no one's going to eat it anymore...
Nos íbamos a casar en mayo, pero tuvimos que posponer la boda hasta junio. We were to be married in May but had to postpone the marriage until June.
Necesito azúcar para preparar un pastel. I need some sugar to make a cake.
Tom pospuso su boda por causa de un accidente de tráfico. Tom put off his wedding because of a traffic accident.
Corta el pastel con un cuchillo. Cut the cake with a knife.
Es sorprendente que no hayas oído nada acerca de su boda. It's surprising that you haven't heard anything about her wedding.
¿Puedo comerme ese pastel? May I eat that cake?
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