Sentence examples of "principio" in Spanish

Al principio nadie me creyó. No one believed me at first.
Al principio no le creí. I didn't believe him at first.
Al principio no le gustaba. She didn't like him at first.
Al principio puede ser confuso. It can be confusing at first.
Al principio, no le creían. At first, they didn't believe him.
La idea parecía absurda al principio. The idea seemed absurd at first.
Ella no le gustaba al principio. He didn't like her at first.
Al principio, todos estaban convencidos de su inocencia. At first, they were all convinced he was innocent.
Al principio, no tenía ni idea del porqué. At first, I had no idea why.
Al principio pensé que él era tu hermano. At first, I took him for your brother.
Al principio él no me gustaba, pero ahora sí. At first I did not like him, but now I do.
Estaba nervioso al principio pero gradualmente me fui relajando. I was nervous at first, but gradually got more relaxed.
A ella no le gustaba ese caballo al principio. She didn't like the horse at first.
Al principio ella no me gustó, pero ahora sí. I didn't like her at first, but now I do.
Al principio no me gustaba el rock, pero ahora sí. At first I did not like rock music, but now I do.
Lo que parece fácil al principio frecuentemente se vuelve difícil. What seems easy at first often turns out to be difficult.
Al principio todo el mundo estaba convencido de su inocencia. At first everybody was convinced of his innocence.
Al principio, sentí que ellos estaban en los correcto en despedirme. At first, I felt they were right to have fired me.
Al principio no sabía bien cuál quería, pero al final cogí el rojo. At first I was not sure which one I wanted, but afterwards I decided on this red one.
Él la odiaba al principio, pero con el paso del tiempo fue amándola. At first he hated her but gradually came to love her.
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