Sentence examples of "promesa" in Spanish with translation "promise"

Translations: all49 promise49
No romperá nunca su promesa. He will never break his promise.
No debemos romper nuestra promesa. We must not break our promise.
Quiero que cumplas tu promesa. I want you to keep your promise.
No debemos olvidar nuestra promesa. We must not forget our promise.
Tom no mantuvo su promesa. Tom didn't keep his promise.
Siempre deberíamos mantener nuestra promesa. We should always keep our promise.
Ella no cumplió su promesa. She failed to keep her promise.
Perdóname por haber roto mi promesa. Forgive me for breaking my promise.
Tienes que jurar que cumplirás la promesa. You must bind yourself to keep the promise.
El Sr. Yoshida nunca rompe una promesa. Mr Yoshida never breaks his promise.
Me acusaron de no haber cumplido mi promesa. They accused me of having broken my promise.
No hay suficientes razones para romper la promesa. These are not sufficient reasons for breaking the promise.
Cumplió su promesa y ayudó a sus hermanos. He kept his promise and helped his brothers.
¿Qué piensas que lo hizo romper su promesa? What do you think made him break his promise?
Una promesa hecha bajo amenaza no tiene validez. A promise given under a threat is worthless.
Tom no fue capaz de mantener su promesa. Tom failed to keep his promise.
Él me acusó de haber roto nuestra promesa. He accused me of having broken our promise.
No fue fácil para él cumplir su promesa. It wasn't easy for him to keep his promise.
Creo que es importante que mantengamos nuestra promesa. I think it important that we keep our promise.
Una vez que hayas hecho una promesa, debes mantenerla. Once you have made a promise, you should keep it.
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