Sentence examples of "varias" in Spanish

Me tomó varias horas decifrarlo. It took me several hours to decypher it.
Afganistán e Irán cambiaron sus himnos nacionales varias veces en el transcurso del siglo XX. Afghanistan and Iran both changed their national anthems several times in the course of the 20th century.
Traduce una oración varias veces de un idioma a otro y viceversa y te encontrarás con una totalmente diferente a la inicial. Translate a sentence several times from one language to another and you'll find yourself with something totally different from the original.
Me tomó varias horas abrirlo. It took me several hours to open it.
Hablar el mismo idioma entre varias culturas es a veces una causa de más confusión que hablar idiomas diferentes, ya que estamos menos conscientes de los diferentes significados que pueden acarrear las mismas palabras. Speaking the same language in between several cultures sometimes is a source of more confusion than to speak different languages, since we are less aware of the different meanings that the same words can entail.
Existen varias formas de gobierno. There are several forms of government.
Había varias habitaciones aún desocupadas. There were several rooms still vacant.
Me tomó varias horas reprogramarlo. It took me several hours to reprogram it.
Esto sucedió por varias razones. This has come about through several causes.
Me tomó varias horas prepararlo. It took me several hours to prepare it.
Me tomó varias horas armarlo. It took me several hours to assemble it.
Me tomó varias horas lavarlo. It took me several hours to wash it.
Cocinarlo me tomó varias horas. It took me several hours to cook it.
Lo encontré en varias ocasiones. I've met him on several occasions.
Me tomó varias horas coserlo. It took me several hours to sew it.
Terminarlo me tomó varias horas. It took me several hours to finish it.
Reza varias veces al día. He prays several times a day.
Londres fue bombardeada varias veces. London was bombed several times.
Me tomó varias horas programarlo. It took me several hours to program it.
Me tomó varias horas encontrarlo. It took me several hours to find it.
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