Sentence examples of "veía" in Spanish with translation "see"

Casi no se veía nada. They could hardly see.
No veía ninguna ventaja en esperar más. He saw no advantage in waiting any longer.
El se veía como el salvador del mundo. He saw himself as the world's savior.
Veía al anciano dos o tres veces por semana. I saw the old man two or three times a week.
Tom veía que María estaba a punto de llorar. Tom could see Mary was about ready to cry.
A menudo se veía a Tom y Mary juntos. Tom and Mary were often seen together.
No se veía ni una sola estrella en el cielo. Not a single star could be seen in the sky.
Había pasado mucho tiempo que no veía libélulas en esta área. It's been a long time since I've seen any dragonflies in this area.
Había pasado mucho tiempo que no veía matapiojos en esta área. It's been a long time since I've seen any dragonflies in this area.
Estaba tan enamorada del muchacho que sólo veía en él sus cualidades. She was so in love with the boy that she could only see his qualities.
El rey, convencido, dijo a los sastres de preparar un traje, pero él tampoco veía esta tela. The king, convinced, told the tailors to prepare the outfit, but he also couldn't see this material.
Tom, que estaba diez palabras antes, no veía bien esta palabra. Mary, que estaba más cerca, se la describió. Tom, back ten words, couldn't see very well this one. Mary, who stood closer, described it to him.
Al ver al policía, huyó. When he saw the police officer, he ran away.
Al menos te pude ver. At least I got to see you.
A ver. Había quince personas. Let me see. There were fifteen people.
Voy a ver adónde van. I am going to see where they're going.
Me muero por ver París. I'm dying to see Paris.
Deseo ver a mi padre. I wish to see my father.
¿Quieres ver algo de magia? Do you want to see some magic?
Acérquense y podrán ver mejor. Come closer and you'll be able to see better.
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