Sentence examples of "fils digne de son père" in French

Il s'occupa de l'entreprise après la mort de son père. He took care of the business after his father's death.
Kate a couru jusqu'au restaurant de son père. Kate ran to my father's restaurant.
Il a ignoré les conseils de son père. He ignored his father's advice.
Ma femme nourrit un profond ressentiment à l'égard de son père. My wife harbors a deep-seated resentment toward her father.
Il hérita l'affaire de son père. He inherited the business from his father.
Il peut être fier de son père. He may well be proud of his father.
Il a hérité de la propriété de son père. He succeeded to his father's property.
Après la mort de son père, John s'est mis à passer son temps dans les bars. After his father's death, John took to spending his time in bars.
Elle s'occupait de son père malade. She cared for her sick father.
Il a pris la charge de l'entreprise de son père. He has taken charge of his father's company.
Elle tient de son père. She takes after her father.
Chaque effort qu'il fait ne compte pour rien aux yeux de son père. Every effort he makes falls short in the eyes of his father.
Elle était très fière de son père. She was very proud of her father.
Il a ignoré le conseil de son père. He ignored his father's advice.
Tout le monde dit qu'il est le portrait de son père. Everyone says that he is the very image of his father.
Sa conduite n'a rien de comparable à (avec) celle de son père. His behavior is nothing like his father.
En face de son père, il ne peut rien dire. He can't say anything to his father's face.
Il a pris la suite des affaires de son père. He took over the business from his father.
Elle a tiré parti des relations de son père pour obtenir son emploi actuel. She capitalised on her father's connections in getting her present job.
À la retraite de son père, il hérita de ses affaires. On his father's retirement he took over the business.
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