Exemplos de uso de "put up with" em inglês com tradução "supporter"

I can't put up with him. Je ne peux pas le supporter.
I cannot put up with her behavior. Je ne peux pas supporter son attitude.
I cannot put up with his arrogance. Je ne peux plus supporter son arrogance.
I can't put up with it. Je ne peux pas le supporter.
I cannot put up with this noise. Je ne peux pas supporter ce bruit.
I couldn't put up with his rudeness. Je ne pouvais supporter sa grossièreté.
I can't put up with this smell. Je ne peux pas supporter cette odeur.
I can't put up with the noise. Je ne peux pas supporter ce bruit.
I can't put up with that noise. Je ne peux pas supporter ce bruit.
I can't put up with his arrogance. Je ne peux pas supporter son arrogance.
I cannot put up with all that noise. Je ne peux pas supporter tout ce bruit.
Can you put up with the way he behaves? Peux-tu supporter la manière avec laquelle il se comporte ?
I can't put up with him any longer. Je ne peux le supporter plus longtemps.
I couldn't put up with her arrogant behavior. Je ne pouvais supporter son attitude arrogante.
I can't put up with all that noise. Je ne peux pas supporter tout ce bruit.
I can't put up with her any longer. Je ne peux la supporter plus longtemps.
I cannot put up with his idleness any longer. Je ne supporte plus sa fainéantise.
I can't put up with that loud noise. Je ne peux pas supporter ce bruit fort.
I couldn't put up with that noise any longer. Je ne pouvais plus supporter ce bruit.
I can't put up with the way he spits. Je ne peux pas supporter sa manière de cracher.
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