Beispiele für die Verwendung von "Cheating" im Englischen

Übersetzungen: alle20 engañar14 trampa4 hacer trampas1 andere Übersetzungen1
Tom is cheating on his wife. Tom engaña a su mujer.
I accused him of cheating. Lo acusé de hacer trampa.
Apparently, Tom has been cheating on his wife. Parece ser que Tom ha estado engañando a su esposa.
She caught him cheating on a test. Lo pilló haciendo trampa en una prueba.
She's been cheating on her husband for years. Ella estuvo engañando a su marido durante años.
He was caught cheating in the exam. Le pillaron haciendo trampas en el examen.
Tom began to suspect that Mary was cheating on him. Tom comenzó a sospechar que Mary lo estaba engañando.
The teacher had her eye on me because she thought I was cheating. El profesor me tenía echado el ojo porque pensaba que estaba haciendo trampa.
Cheating on one's spouse is not usually considered acceptable behavior. Engañar a tu propia esposa no se suele considerar un comportamiento aceptable.
I suspect that his wife is cheating on him with the postman. Sospecho que su esposa lo está engañando con el cartero.
Tom won't ever be able to forgive Mary for cheating on him. Tom jamás podrá perdonar a Mary por haberlo engañado.
Did you know that his wife was cheating on him with the milkman? ¿Sabías que su esposa lo está engañando con el lechero?
"Dima," Al-Sayib said sternly. "You know you're like a brother from another mother to me, but... cheating an Arab is unforgivable. Goodbye!" —Dima, —dijo Al-Sayib severamente— sabes que eres como un hermano hijo de otra madre para mí, pero... engañar a un árabe es imperdonable. ¡Adiós!
Have you ever cheated on me? ¿Me has engañado alguna vez?
He cheated on the test by copying from the girl in front. Él hizo trampas en el examen copiando de la chica que tenía delante.
He knows just too well how to cheat people. Él sabe muy bien cómo engañar a la gente.
Never did I dream that George would cheat me. Nunca me imaginé que George me engañaría.
A moral person doesn't lie, cheat, or steal. Una persona moral no miente, engaña o roba.
If you cheat on me again, I definitely won't forgive you. Si me engañas otra vez, definitivamente no te perdonaré
In a purely romantic relationship cheating would just be like having a boyfriend who considers himself in love with another girl and he goes and sees her and kisses her and cuddles with her and tells her he loves her. En una relación puramente romántica, ser infiel sería como tener un novio que esté enamorado de otra chica y vaya a verla y la bese y la acaricie y le diga que la ama.
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