Beispiele für die Verwendung von "be up to the mark" im Englischen

Tom must be up to something. Tom debe tramar algo.
I went up to the 5th floor in an elevator. Subí al quinto piso en un ascensor.
A flight attendant walks up to the boys. Una azafata se acerca a los chicos.
Look up to the skies. Mira al cielo.
I persuaded him to give himself up to the police. Yo lo persuadí de entregarse a la policía.
Tom doesn't think he is up to the job. Tom no cree estar capacitado para el trabajo.
Keep your dog chained up to the tree. Deja a tu perro atado al árbol.
I went up to the door. Fui hasta la puerta.
We really had a hell of a time getting up to the 20th floor of this building. Nosotros realmente la pasamos terrible subiendo hasta el vigésimo piso de este edificio.
We climbed right up to the top. Nosotros escalamos hasta la cima.
The office has been transferred up to the sixth floor. La oficina ha sido trasladada a la sexta planta.
In Thailand, bringing up the children isn't the father's responsibility; it's entirely up to the mother. En Tailandia, criar a los niños no es la responsabilidad del padre; es en su totalidad de la madre.
The detective held the wine glass up to the light checking for fingerprints. El detective alzó la copa de vino contra la luz verificando huellas digitales.
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. Me gustan los cerdos. Los perros nos admiran. Los gatos nos desprecian. Los cerdos nos tratan a todos por igual.
The arrow fell wide of the mark. La flecha dio muy lejos del blanco.
Mom, come with me to the store. Mamá, acompañame a la tienda.
My sister didn't own up to breaking the lamp, instead she made up some story about aliens coming to Earth with the objective of destroying every piece of yellow furniture. Mi hermana no se hizo cargo de romper la lámpara, ella inventó una historia sobre alienígenas que vienen a la Tierra con el objetivo de destruir todo mueble de color amarillo.
I'm afraid your prediction was wide of the mark. Me temo que tu predicción estaba errada.
I went to the cinema with my brother. Fui al cine con mi hermano.
There's no way I can make it up to you. No hay manera en que yo te lo pueda compensar.
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