Beispiele für die Verwendung von "unable" im Englischen

He seems unable to swim. Él parece incapaz de nadar.
He is unable to do it. Él es incapaz de hacer eso.
People are unable to follow these rules. La gente es incapaz de seguir estas reglas.
We were unable to follow his logic. Somos incapaces de seguir su lógica.
He is unable to buy a car. Él es incapaz de comprar un coche.
It seems obvious that he is unable to swim. Parece obvio que él es incapaz de nadar.
I was unable to breathe because of the smoke. Yo era incapaz de respirar por el humo.
She was unable to completely give up her dream of traveling abroad. Ella fue incapaz de renunciar completamente a su sueño de viajar al extranjero.
Unable to accomplish the task by himself, he turned to me for help. Incapaz de cumplir la tarea por sí solo, él acudió a mí por ayuda.
With the magnets mounted on their heads, they were unable to find their way home. Con los imanes sobre sus cabezas, eran incapaces de encontrar el camino a casa.
That's me - the coward unable to muster his courage and find out the truth. Ese soy yo, el cobarde incapaz de reunir coraje y averiguar la verdad.
He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god. El que es incapaz de vivir en sociedad, o el que no lo necesita porque es autosuficiente, debe ser una bestia o un dios.
He was unable to move. No pudo moverse.
I was unable to go outside. Yo no pude salir afuera.
I'm unable to translate this sentence. No soy capaz de traducir esta frase.
She is unable to cope with stress. Ella no puede manejar el estrés.
Tom is unable to work this week. Tom está inhabilitado para trabajar esta semana.
Yoko is unable to buy a computer. Yoko no puede comprar un ordenador.
I am unable to agree on that point. No puedo estar de acuerdo en este punto.
Tom was unable to decide who he should vote for. Tom no podía decidir por quién debería votar.
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