Sentence examples of "tirado" in Spanish

No es muy astuto de tu parte haber tirado esa nota. It's not very clever of you that you threw away that note.
He tirado el vaso por descuido. I carelessly dropped a vase.
El mono, habiendo tirado cocos a todos los animales por diversión, no podía entender por qué de repente le expulsaban de la selva. The monkey, having thrown coconuts at all of the animals as a means of amusement, could not understand why he was suddenly being chased out of the jungle.
No tires nada al suelo. Don't throw anything onto the floor.
Él tiró de la cuerda. He pulled the rope.
Voy a pegarle un tiro. I'm gonna shoot him.
No puedo tirar a Taninna aquí. Hay un policía. I cannot drop Taninna here. There is a policeman.
No tire su dinero por las ventanas. Don't waste your money.
La tiré un puñetazo a la mandíbula. I landed him a blow on the chin.
Él trabaja para un periódico grande con una gran tirada. He works for a big newspaper with a very large circulation.
Tom tiró el libro de Mary al fuego. Tom threw Mary's book into the fire.
Tiró la casa por la ventana para la boda de su hija. He went overboard for his daughter's wedding.
No me tires esta revista. Don't throw away this magazine.
¡No me tires de la pierna! Don't pull my leg!
Tom se pegó un tiro en la cabeza. Tom shot himself in the head.
Hoy en día no puedes andar por la calle sin ver a la gente tirar la basura al suelo. These days you can't walk down the street without seeing people dropping litter.
No tires piedras al río. Don't throw stones into the river.
Tira las plantas de la raíz. Pull the plant up by the roots.
Dio al centro del blanco con su primer tiro. He hit the center of the target with his first shot.
El niño tira una piedra. The boy throws a stone.
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