Sentence examples of "tratar" in Spanish

Si fallo, debería tratar nuevamente. If I should fail, I would try again.
Debemos tratar este problema como un todo. We must treat these problems as a whole.
Es difícil tratar con Tom. Tom is hard to deal with.
Yo no sé como tratar con niños. I don't know how to handle children.
Los maestros deberían tratar sus alumnos de manera justa. Teachers should deal fairly with their pupils.
Deberías tratar de optimizar tu tiempo. You should try to optimize your time.
Tom no sabe tratar apropiadamente a sus empleados. Tom doesn't know how to treat his employees properly.
¿Cómo vamos a tratar este asunto? How shall we deal with this matter?
Aquel profesor tiene habilidad para tratar a los alumnos. The teacher handles his pupils well.
Debemos tratar de reducir su complejidad. We have to try to reduce its complexity.
El hombre estaba acostumbrado a tratar esta clase de heridas. The man was used to treating this kind of wound.
Ella es una persona difícil de tratar. She is a difficult person to deal with.
Ella estaba cansada de tratar de convencerlo. She was tired of trying to convince him.
Existe una necesidad urgente de encontrar un método más efectivo para tratar esta enfermedad. There is an urgent need for a more effective method of treating this disease.
Odio tratar con niños quisquillosos para comer. I hate dealing with children who are picky eaters.
Debes tratar de venir a la fiesta. You must try and come to the party.
Si no empiezas a tratar a la gente con un poco más de respeto, la gente podría comenzar a evitarte como a la plaga. If you don't start treating people with a little more respect, people may start avoiding you like the plague.
Tom es un hombre difícil de tratar. Tom is a hard man to deal with.
Podrías tratar de ser un poco más civilizado. You could try and be a bit more civilized.
Un problema tal es difícil de tratar. Such a problem is hard to deal with.
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