Exemples d'utilisation de "as soon as" en anglais

please contact me as soon as possible por favor, póngase en contacto conmigo lo más pronto posible
Please inform us as soon as possible Por favor infórmenos cuanto antes
You'd better start as soon as possible. Será mejor que comiences lo más pronto posible.
Please let us know as soon as possible Por favor avísenos cuanto antes
Please make out my bill as soon as possible? ¿Puede preparar mi cuenta lo más pronto posible?
I want you to return it to me as soon as possible. Quiero que me lo devuelvas lo más pronto posible.
We must put an end to a bad habit as soon as possible. Tenemos que acabar con los malos hábitos lo más pronto posible.
Come as soon as possible. Ven tan rápido como puedas.
Let's finish this work as soon as possible. Acabemos este trabajo lo antes posible.
She came here as soon as she heard it. Ella vino aquí tan rápido como lo oyó.
Tom recognized Mary as soon as he saw her. Tom reconoció a Mary tan pronto la vio.
As soon as we sat down, she brought us coffee. Ella nos trajo café tan pronto nos sentamos.
As soon as I hung up, the phone started ringing again. Justo al colgar el teléfono, volvió a sonar.
As soon as he opened the door, he smelled something burning. En el instante en que él abrió la puerta, él olió algo quemándose.
As soon as she read the letter, she began to cry. Tan pronto leyó la carta, empezó a llorar.
As soon as we find out anything, we will contact you. Te contactaremos tan pronto averigüemos cualquier cosa.
As soon as we find out anything, we will contact him. Lo contactaremos, tan pronto descubramos algo.
Tom became scared as soon as he saw the robber's knife. Tom se asustó tan pronto vio el cuchillo del ladrón.
Tom wants this back as soon as you're finished with it. Tom quiere esto de vuelta tan pronto lo ayas desocupado.
I'll phone you as soon as I get to the airport. Te llamaré tan pronto llegue al aeropuerto.
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