Sentence examples of "many" in English

He has overcome many obstacles. Él ha superado mucho obstáculos.
Not many survive this disease. Pocos sobreviven a esta enfermedad.
Meg acquired many new friends. Meg consiguió muchos nuevos amigos.
Not many people speak English Poca gente habla inglés
Many languages use English words. Muchos idiomas utilizan palabras inglesas.
Not many students attended the meeting. Pocos estudiantes asistieron al encuentro.
The typhoon destroyed many houses. El tifón destruyó muchas casas.
So many things to do, and so little time. Demasiadas cosas que hacer y muy poco tiempo.
Many people attended his funeral. Mucha gente asistió a su funeral.
After so many visits, we want to rest a little. Después de tantas visitas queremos descansar un poco.
I went there many times. Fui muchas veces allí.
There aren't many ruins of this civilization known to us. Se conocen pocas ruinas de esta civilización.
He tried many different methods. Intentó muchos métodos distintos.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Las necesidades de muchos pesan más que las de pocos.
The rich have many friends. Los ricos tienen muchos amigos.
With so many people around he naturally became a bit nervous. Naturalmente, con tanta gente a su alrededor se puso un poco nervioso.
Many Asians are lactose intolerant. Muchos asiáticos tienen intolerancia a la lactosa.
Many miners are afraid that the mine will be closed down soon. Muchos mineros temen que la mina se cierre dentro de poco.
You, John, know many countries. Tú, John, conoces muchos países.
Not many people know how to keep an affectionate relation with their relatives. Pocas personas saben mantener una relación afectiva con sus familiares.
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