Sentence examples of "own" in English with translation "avoir"

Everyone has his own treasure. Tout le monde a son jardin secret.
Every nation has its own myths. Tous les pays ont leurs légendes.
Each has his own duty to do. Tout le monde a ses devoirs à faire.
He is afraid of his own shadow. Il a peur de son ombre.
She let him drive on his own. Elle lui a permis de conduire seul.
He sold his own car without hesitation. Il a vendu son automobile sans hésitation.
She is afraid of her own shadow. Elle a peur de son ombre.
He did the work on his own. Il a fait le travail lui-même.
We own a dog and a cat. Nous avons un chien et un chat.
She has her own way in everything. Elle a sa façon de faire pour toute chose.
Everyone has their own strong and weak points. Tout le monde a ses points forts et ses points faibles.
She passed the jewel off as her own. Elle a fait passer ce bijou pour le sien.
Tom took a picture of his own camera. Tom a pris une photo de son appareil photo.
The lemon has a flavor all of its own. Le citron a une saveur bien à lui.
Let them have a taste of their own medicine. Qu'ils aient ce qu'ils méritent.
She embroidered her own initials on the white handkerchief. Elle a brodé ses initiales sur un mouchoir blanc.
This liquor has a taste all of its own. Cette liqueur a un goût unique.
It is three years since Bob started his own business. Ça fait trois ans que Bob a démarré son affaire.
Poverty had taught him to stand on his own feet. La misère lui a appris à se débrouiller seul.
He saved his friend at the risk of his own life. Il a sauvé la vie de son ami au mépris de la sienne.
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