Sentence examples of "Was" in English

That was the last straw Era l'ultima goccia
She was forced to confess. È stata obbligata a confessare.
Nobody was hungry except me. Non aveva fame nessuno tranne me.
Was it cold last night? Faceva freddo la scorsa notte?
My success was mainly due to your help. Il mio successo è dovuto principalmente al tuo aiuto.
It was less than fifteen dollars. È costato meno di quindici dollari.
Tom thought that Mary was probably still somewhere in Boston. Tom pensò che Mary probabilmente si trovava ancora da qualche parte a Boston.
He was able to reduce taxes. Riuscì a ridurre le tasse.
The fat woman was holding a monkey. La donna obesa teneva una scimmia in braccio.
He was a great musician. Era un grande musicista.
Disneyland was established in 1955. Disneyland è stato fondato nel 1955.
I was hungry and thirsty. Avevo fame e sete.
This box was made by Tony. Questa scatola è stata fatta da Tony.
It was bound to happen and finally it did. Doveva succedere e finalmente è successo.
The mountain path was under a blanket of leaves, soft and easy to walk on. Il sentiero di montagna si trovava sotto una coperta di foglie, morbida e facile da percorrere.
Tom was able to make himself understood in French when he visited Paris. Tom riuscì a farsi capire in francese quando visito Parigi.
He was holding a pen in his hand. Teneva in mano una penna.
There was a strong wind. C'era un forte vento.
She was accepted at Harvard. È stata accettata ad Harvard.
He saw he was wrong. Ha visto di aver avuto torto.
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