Sentence examples of "about as much as" in English

Tom is about as old as Mary is. Tom ha circa la stessa età di Mary.
I don't have as much money as you think. Non ho così tanti soldi come pensi tu.
They looked at us, as much as to say, "Poor creature." Ci guardarono come per dire "Poverino!".
We did our best to help him, but he didn't so much as say thank you. Abbiamo fatto del nostro meglio per aiutarlo ma non si è neanche degnato di ringraziarci.
My brother eats twice as much as I do. Mio fratello mangia il doppio di me.
There is nothing I like so much as the smell of roses. Niente mi piace tanto come il profumo delle rose.
Eat as much as you like. Mangia quanto vuoi.
We are doing as much as we can Facciamo tanto come possiamo
He doesn't know much about Japan. Lui non sa molto del Giappone.
I don't know much about your family. Non so molto sulla tua famiglia.
Tom doesn't know much about art. Tom non sa molto sull'arte.
We don't know much about him. Non sappiamo molto su di lui.
He is very much concerned about the future of his son. È molto preoccupato per il futuro di suo figlio.
I am much concerned about your health. Sono molto preoccupato per la tua salute.
She doesn't want to talk about it. Lei non vuole parlarne.
They did not have much food to eat. Non avevano molto cibo da mangiare.
Don't worry about the results of the exam. Non preoccuparti dei risultati dell'esame.
Tom hasn't changed very much. Tom non è cambiato molto.
You'll forget about me someday. Mi dimenticherai un giorno.
His story amused us very much. La sua storia ci ha divertiti molto.
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