Sentence examples of "was" in English with translation "estar"

The queen was richly appareled. A rainha estava magnificamente vestida.
I was eating dinner then. Nesse momento eu estava jantando.
Tom was late for dinner. Tom estava atrasado para o jantar.
Today the sea was warm! O mar estava quentinho hoje!
The theater was too crowded. O teatro estava lotado demais.
She was in a hurry. Ela estava com pressa.
I was on my knees. Eu estava de joelhos.
He was listening to music. Ele estava ouvindo música.
the food was pretty good A comida estava muito boa
I guess Tom was right. Acho que Tom estava certo.
When was he here before? Quando ele esteve aqui antes?
I think he was angry. Acho que ele estava zangado.
Ken was looking for you. Ken estava te procurando.
I was reading the book. Eu estava lendo o livro.
I was at the party. Eu estava na festa.
Where was Tony playing then? Onde é que Tony estava brincando, então?
She was dressed in red. Ela estava vestida de vermelho.
He was wearing a tuxedo. Ele estava de terno.
I was busy all day. Estive ocupado o dia todo.
The patient was in danger. O paciente estava em perigo.
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