Sentence examples of "become" in English with translation "hacerse"

They want to become rich. Quieren hacerse ricos.
My grandmother has become old. Mi abuela se ha hecho mayor.
How did they become celebrities? ¿Cómo se hicieron famosos?
We've all become communists. Todos nos hemos hecho comunistas.
That girl has become a woman. Esa niña se ha hecho una mujer.
His dream has become a reality. Su sueño se ha hecho realidad.
He decided to become a pilot. Decidió hacerse piloto.
I intend to become a lawyer. Pretendo hacerme abogado.
He is eager to become famous. Él está deseando hacerse famoso.
Children always want to become adults. Los niños siempre quieren hacerse mayores.
My brother has become a priest. Mi hermano se ha hecho cura.
She advised him to become a teacher. Le aconsejó que se hiciera profesor.
Tom wants to become rich and famous. Tom quiere hacerse rico y famoso.
His daughter has become a pretty woman. Su hija se ha hecho una bella mujer.
The event has become known to the public. El evento se ha hecho público.
Why do you want to become a nurse? ¿Por qué quieres hacerte enfermero?
The older we become, the worse our memory gets. Nuestra memoria empeora mientras más viejos nos hacemos.
Charlie's father advised him to become a teacher. El padre de Charlie le recomendó que se hiciera profesor.
In spite of the language difficulty, we soon become friends. A pesar de las dificultades de idioma, todos nos hicimos amigos rápido.
There are workers whose only goal is to become exploiters. Hay trabajadores cuyo objetivo único es hacerse explotadores.
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