Sentence examples of "talk" in English

Don't talk back to me! I know what's better for you. ¡No me contestes! Yo sé lo que es mejor para ti.
I have something to talk over with you. Tengo algo que discutir contigo.
You keep calling me all day to talk nonsense. Me llamas todo el día para decir tonterías.
All talk and no action Mucho ruido y pocas nueces
He stopped to talk to them. Él se detuvo para hablarles.
When she arrives, talk to her. Cuando ella llegue, háblale.
You talk to me about that. Háblame acerca de eso.
Tom stopped to talk to Mary. Tom se detuvo a hablarle a Mary.
We need less talk and more action. Necesitamos menos palabras y más acciones.
Deaf people can talk in sign language. Las personas sordas pueden comunicarse con el lenguaje de señas.
I got bored with his long talk. Me aburrí de su largo discurso.
She began to talk to the dog. Ella empezó a hablarle al perro.
Tom is all talk and no action. Todo es todo palabras y nada de acción.
I was tired of his long talk. Estaba aburrido de su larga cháchara.
You should not talk back like that. No deberías responder de esa forma.
He is too shy to talk to girls. Es demasiado tímido para hablarle a las niñas.
I'm always bored with his boastful talk. Siempre estoy aburrido de sus fanfarronadas.
You have a tendency to talk too fast. Tú tiendes a caminar demasiado rápido.
Tom wished he had someone to talk to. Tom deseaba tener a alguien con quien platicar.
I often talk to him on the bus. Suelo platicar con él en el autobús.
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