Sentence examples of "IRA" in Spanish

Está decidido que él ira a América. It is definite that he will go to America.
La ira es una energía. Anger is an energy.
Nos gustaría más ira al zoológico que al parque. We would rather go to the zoo than to the park.
No pude contener la ira. I couldn't hold back my anger.
La ira es difícil de controlar. Anger is hard to control.
Sus insultos constantes encendieron su ira. His constant insults aroused her anger.
Tom no podía contener su ira. Tom couldn't hold back his anger.
Tom le ocultó su ira a Mary. Tom concealed his anger from Mary.
Estábamos llenos de ira contra el asesino. We were filled with anger against the murderer.
La ira es locura, el tiempo que dura Anger is a short madness
A pesar de su ira, él me escuchó pacientemente. In spite of his anger, he listened to me patiently.
Tal era su ira que ella perdió el control. Such was her anger that she lost control of herself.
Tom tomó un curso de control de la ira. Tom took a class to learn how to manage his anger.
Su rostro refleja indignación y tristeza en vez de ira. Her face reflecting disgust and sadness, rather than anger.
No creo que sea capaz de contener mi ira por más tiempo. I don't think I'll be able to hold in my anger any longer.
Todos van a estar ahí. Everyone is going to be there.
Los jeans van con todo. Jeans go with everything.
Pregúntale cuándo va a volver. Ask her when she will come back.
Parece que va a nevar. It looks like snow.
¡Vamos a jugar al fútbol! Let's play soccer.
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