Sentence examples of "Se" in Spanish

El perro se está muriendo. The dog is dying.
No se conocen muy bien. They don't know each other very well.
Tom se muere por empezar. Tom can’t wait to get started.
Se acostó en la cama. He laid himself on the bed.
No se supone que pase. It's not supposed to happen.
Ella se dedicó a él. She devoted herself to him.
Su deseo finalmente se cumplió. His wish was realized at last.
Tom se mete en lo que no le concierne. Tom stuck his nose where it didn't belong.
La vela se apagó sola. The candle went out by itself.
¿Cuándo se celebrará la fiesta? When will the party take place?
Deja que se cuiden solos. Let them take care of themselves.
El éxito se consigue con constancia. Success consists of discipline.
Uno se debería vestir bien. One should dress oneself well.
Si quieres que algo se haga bien, tienes que hacerlo tú mismo. If you want something done right you have to do it yourself.
Su boda se celebrará mañana. Their wedding will be tomorrow.
Tom se sabe un atajo. Tom knows a shortcut.
Nunca se tiene demasiado ego. You can never have too much ego.
Tom se disfrazó de policía. Tom disguised himself as a policeman.
No se suponía que pasara esto. This was not supposed to happen.
Ella se adornaba con joyas. She adorned herself with jewels.
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