Sentence examples of "Ve" in Spanish with translation "go"

Por favor ve al banco. Please go to the bank.
Ve a encontrar a Tom. Go find Tom.
Ve y despierta a Mary. Go and wake up Mary.
¡Ve al doctor de inmediato! Go to the doctor at once!
Ve y mira quién es. Go and see who it is.
Ve a abrir la puerta. Go and open the door.
Ve y habla con mi compañero. Go and speak to my colleague.
Taro, ve a lavarte los dientes. Taro, go brush your teeth.
Ve a traer algo de agua. Go get some water.
Simone, ve poniendo la mesa, por favor. Simone, please go and set the table.
Ve pronto para conseguir un buen asiento. Go early in order to get a good seat.
Ve a por tornillos a la ferretería. Go to the hardware store and get screws.
Ve por esta calle y encontrarás el cine. Go along this street, and you'll find the movie theater.
Ve y dale una paliza a ese matón. Go and beat up that bully.
Ve al doctor para que te dé una receta. Go to the doctor to get your prescription!
Ve a decirles adiós antes de que se vayan. Go say goodbye to them before they leave.
Ve a ver si el señor Wilson está en casa. Go and see if Mr Wilson is at home.
Si nunca has hecho algo tan estúpido, ve e inténtalo. If you've never done something so stupid before, go ahead and try.
¡Ve a verla si no quieres volver a dormir otra vez! Go see it if you never want to sleep again!
Ve a hablar con Jane, ella corroborará todo lo que he dicho. Go talk to Jane. She'll back up everything I've said.
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