Sentence examples of "daría" in Spanish

Lo daría todo por reconquistarla. I would give anything to win her back.
Una demostración formal del principio de Peter daría un golpe a las estructuras corporativistas de muchos países. A formal demonstration of Peter's principle would be a hit to the corporativist structures of many countries.
Él no daría la orden. He would not give the order.
Si pudiese, te daría la luna. I would give you the moon if I could.
Yo se los daría a ellos. I would give it to them.
Ella no le daría un regalo. She wouldn't give him a gift.
Yo te daría la luna si pudiera. I would give you the moon if I could.
Si yo fuera rico, te daría dinero. If I were rich, I'd give you money.
Un trabajo universitario te daría mucho más tiempo libre. A university job would give you a lot more free time.
Si llegara a tener mucho dinero, te daría la mitad. If I should make a lot of money, I would give you half of it.
El autor no pensó que su novela daría lugar a tantas interpretaciones. The author didn't think his novel would give place to so many interpretations.
Las vacas nos dan leche. Cows give us milk.
¿Te apetece dar un paseo? What do you say to going out for a short walk?
Edimburgo, ¡nos encontramos de nuevo! Edinburgh, we meet again!
No tengo ganas de celebrar. I don't feel like partying.
De acuerdo. Es un trato. All right. It's a deal.
¡Has dado en el clavo! You've hit the nail on the head!
Ella le dio el dinero. She handed him the money.
Al hierro caliente batir de repente Strike while the iron's hot
Di a luz a gemelos idénticos. I delivered identical twins.
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