Sentence examples of "dio lugar" in Spanish

Su descubrimiento dio a lugar a una revolución en el transporte. His discovery gave rise to a revolution in transport.
Pese a la controversia a que dio lugar, la pregunta permanece aún abierta. In spite of the controversy it gave place to, the question still remains open.
Iguales causas no siempre dan a lugar a iguales efectos. The same cause does not always give rise to the same effect.
El autor no pensó que su novela daría lugar a tantas interpretaciones. The author didn't think his novel would give place to so many interpretations.
Su descuido dio lugar a un accidente. Her carelessness resulted in an accident.
La fiesta dio lugar en un gran salón. The party took place in a big room.
La unión de Escocia e Inglaterra se dio a lugar en 1706. The union of Scotland and England took place in 1706.
La leyenda le dio nombre al lugar. The legend gave the name to the place.
Dio al centro del blanco con su primer tiro. He hit the center of the target with his first shot.
Ponte en mi lugar. Put yourself in my position.
Ella me dio un reloj. She gave me a watch.
Está buscando un lugar donde vivir. He's looking for a place to live.
Me dio una buena recomendación. He put in a good word for me.
Hay un lugar llamado Kuchiwa en Hiroshima. There's a place called Kuchiwa in Hiroshima.
Tom le dio a Mary algo fresco para tomar. Tom gave Mary something cold to drink.
¿Hay alguien en quien confiar en este frío lugar? Is there anyone you can trust in this cold place?
Me quedé en casa porque me dio un resfriado. I stayed home because I had a bad cold.
Si un árbol muere, planta otro en su lugar. If a tree dies, plant another in its place.
Juan le dio algo de dinero a María. John gave Mary some money.
No tuvo ninguna dificultad en encontrar el lugar. He had no difficulty in finding the place.
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