Sentence examples of "importa" in Spanish

¿Y qué? No me importa. So what? It doesn't matter to me.
¿Te importa abrir la puerta? Do you mind opening the door?
No me importa este asunto. I am not concerned with this matter.
¿Le importa si fumo aquí? Do you mind my smoking here?
¿Viste que estudiar sí importa? Did you see that studying does matters?
¿Te importa si fumo aquí? Do you mind if I smoke here?
Supongo que ya no importa. I guess it doesn't matter anymore.
No me importa si fumas. I don't mind if you smoke.
Este asunto no me importa. This matter does not concern me.
No me importa el frío. I don't mind the cold.
No importa de dónde él venga. It doesn't matter where he comes from.
No me importa en absoluto. I don't mind it at all.
Importa poco si viene o no. It matters little whether he comes or not.
¿Le importa si apago la luz? Do you mind if I turn off the light?
No importa lo que él dijo. It doesn't matter what he said.
No me importa si hace calor. I don't mind if it's hot.
A veces, el tamaño sí importa. Sometimes, size does matter.
No importa. Cualquiera puede cometer fallos. Never mind. Anyone can make mistakes.
Incluso si es verdad, apenas importa. Even if it is true, it matters little.
¿Te importa si me siento aquí? Do you mind if I sit here?
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