Sentence examples of "perder autob" in Spanish

La hice perder los nervios. She lost her temper with me.
Acaba de perder el autobús. He just missed the bus.
No quiero perder este juego. I don't want to lose this match.
Ella verdaderamente quiere perder peso. She really wants to lose weight.
Quien lucha puede perder, quien no lucha ya perdió. He who fights can lose, but he who doesn't already lost.
No deberíamos perder el coraje. We should not lose courage.
No quiero perder mi depósito. I don't want to lose my deposit.
Mejor apresúrate, o te vas a perder el tren. You'd better hurry, or you'll miss the train.
No deberías perder la esperanza. You should not give up your hope.
Tom no tiene mucho tiempo que perder. Tom doesn't have much time to waste.
Ella salvó la vida de su bebé al precio de perder la propia. She saved her baby's life at the risk of losing her own.
¡Apurémonos! No hay tiempo que perder. Hurry! There's no time to lose.
¡Rápido! ¡No hay tiempo que perder! Hurry! There's no time to lose!
El pastel se ha echado a perder, ya no hay quien se lo coma... The cake has gone bad, no one's going to eat it anymore...
Arriesgas perder mi confianza. You risk losing my trust.
No hay que perder la esperanza. Don't give up hope.
Te vas a perder. You'll get lost.
Todos ustedes acaban de perder el juego. You all just lost the game.
Él se apresuró para no perder el tren. He hurried up so that he wouldn't miss the train.
Sí, me sentí mal cuando rompimos, pero no me ha hecho perder el sueño. Yeah, I felt bad when we broke up, but I don't lose any sleep over it.
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