Sentence examples of "quiere" in Spanish

Ella verdaderamente quiere perder peso. She really wants to lose weight.
¿En qué billetes los quiere? What denominations would you like?
Todo el mundo le quiere. Everybody loves him.
Tom le puede hablar a Mary si quiere. Tom may talk to Mary if he wants to.
Ella quiere, pero no lo necesita. She wants but doesn't need it.
¿Alguien quiere venir a darse una vuelta? Anyone wanna come around?
Mary quiere comprar un vestido. Mary wants to buy a dress.
¿Quiere usted billetes pequeños o grandes? Would you like big bills or small bills?
Beatriz todavía quiere a Luis. Beatriz still loves Luis.
Ella necesita gafas pero no las quiere. She needs glasses but doesn't want them.
Tom quiere saber tu opinión. Tom wants to know your opinion.
¿Quiere que yo haga eso por usted? Would you like for me to do that for you?
Ted quiere a su esposa Elizabeth. Ted loves his wife Elizabeth.
¿De qué tamaño quiere usted la tarta? What size cake do you need?
Mary quiere barrer la casa. Mary wants to sweep the house.
¿Quiere que le llame a un taxi? Would you like me to get you a cab?
Tom quiere que alguien lo ame. Tom wants someone to love him.
Tom no necesita ir si no quiere. Tom doesn't need to go there if he doesn't want to.
¿Cuándo quiere que le llame? When do you want me to call you?
No sé por qué no le quiere. I don't know why you don't like him.
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