Sentence examples of "ser" in Spanish with translation "being"

Está orgulloso de ser músico. He is proud of being a musician.
Ser colombiano es lo mejor. Being Colombian is the best.
No hay deshonra en ser pobre. There is no disgrace in being poor.
Un ser humano escribió la historia. A human being wrote the story.
Está orgulloso de ser un médico. He is proud of being a doctor.
Yo solía soñar con ser millonario. I used to dream about being a millionaire.
Él está orgulloso de ser un músico. He is proud of being a musician.
Él era sospechoso de ser un espía. He was under suspicion of being a spy.
Él no se avergüenza de ser pobre. He is not ashamed of being poor.
Ella me acusó de ser un mentiroso. She accused me of being a liar.
Ser astronauta siempre fue mi primer sueño. Being an astronaut was always my first dream.
Ser siempre honesto no es algo sencillo. Always being honest is no easy thing.
¿Qué significa ser una buena madre para vos? What does being a good mother mean to you?
Para ser sincero, yo no soy tu padre. Being honest, I'm not your father.
Ese pulpo regresó al mar sin ser devorado. That octopus returned to the sea without being eaten.
Al ser extranjero, no pude pillar el chiste. Being a foreigner, I couldn't catch on to the joke.
Ponemos énfasis en la importancia de ser sincero. We lay emphasis on the importance of being sincere.
Le odio con cada fibra de mi ser. I hate him with every fiber of my being.
Pero me acostumbraré a ser rubia otra vez. But I'll get used to being blonde again.
Incluso al ser elogiado, la modestia es importante. Even when being praised, modesty is important.
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