Sentence examples of "te pareces" in Spanish

¿A cuál de tus padres piensas que te pareces? Which of your parents do you think you look like?
¿A cuál de tus padres te pareces? Which of your parents do you resemble?
¿No te dice la gente que te pareces a Audrey Hepburn? Don't people tell you look like Audrey Hepburn?
Se parece a su padre. He looks like his father.
Se parece a su madre. He resembles his mother.
Me parecía que no había salida a nuestro predicamento. It seemed to me that there was no way out of our difficulty.
Ellos se parecen en todo menos en el color del pelo. They look alike except for the color of their hair.
Se parece a un pato. It looks like a duck.
Se parece a su abuelo. He resembles his grandfather.
He leído con atención tu carta, y tu situación me ha parecido muy típica y previsible en una relación de pareja. I have read your letter closely, and your situation seems very typical and foreseeable in a relationship.
Este coche es parecido al mío. This car looks like mine.
Se parece mucho a su padre. He closely resembles his father.
Ella se parece a su madre. She looks like her mother.
Él se parece a su abuelo. He resembles his grandfather.
Nancy se parece a mi hermana. Nancy looks like my sister.
Ella se parece a esa actriz. She resembles that actress.
Ella se parece a su tía. She looks like her aunt.
Jack se parece a su padre. Jack resembles his father.
María se parece a su madre. Mary looks like her mother.
Se parece mucho a su papá. He resembles his father very much.
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