Sentence examples of "venir" in Spanish with translation "be"

Hoy no voy a venir. I am not coming today.
Es dudoso si podremos venir. It is doubtful whether we shall be able to come.
¿Con quién vas a venir? Whom are you going to come with?
Si pudieras venir, sería muy feliz. If you could come, I'd be really happy.
¿Te dijeron cuándo tienes que venir? Have you been told when to come?
¿Cuándo vas a venir a visitarme? When are you coming to see me?
Me alegraría mucho si pudieras venir. I'll be so glad if you can come.
Ellos no van a venir hoy. They are not coming today.
Asegúrate de venir a las 3. Be sure to come at 3.
¿Se te informó cuándo debes venir? Have you been told when to come?
¡Espero que pueda venir! Me gustaría verlo. I hope he'll be able to come! I'd like to see him.
Quien sea que quiera venir sera bienvenido. Whoever wants to come will be welcomed.
Ella no pudo venir porque estaba ocupada. She couldn't come on account of being busy.
Procurad venir aquí antes de las cinco. Be sure to come here by five.
Me preguntaba si ibas a venir hoy. I was wondering if you were going to show up today.
¿Tus padres van a venir a la casa? Are your parents coming home?
¡Espero que él consiga venir! Me gustaría verle. I hope he'll be able to come! I'd like to see him.
¿Si él hubiera estado allí, habrías querido venir? Had he been there, would you have wanted to come?
Y la gente no paraba de venir a ser bautizada. And people were constantly coming to be baptized.
Y la gente no dejaba de venir a ser bautizada. And people were constantly coming to be baptized.
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