Sentence examples of "was about to" in English

He was about to go out when the telephone rang. Estava a ponto de sair quando o telefone tocou.
I was about to go out when the telephone rang. Estava a ponto de sair quando o telefone tocou.
She is about to kill me. Ela está a ponto de me matar.
The eagle is about to land. A águia está a ponto de pousar.
Nixon was about to become president. Nixon estava prestes a se tornar presidente.
Their patience was about to give out. Estavam prestes a perder a paciência.
When I was about to leave, it began to rain. Quando ia sair, começou a chover.
I was about to have dinner when she called me. Estava para jantar quando ela me ligou.
I was about to call him, but then I forgot. Estive para lhe telefonar, mas depois esqueci-me.
I was about to go out when the phone rang. Eu estava quase saindo quando o telefone tocou.
Just as I was about to go out, it started raining. Bem na hora que eu estava para sair, começou a chover.
Had they known what was about to happen, they would have changed their plans. Se eles soubessem o que estava prestes a acontecer, teriam mudado seus planos.
The concert is about to start. O show já vai começar.
I'm about to leave. Estou para partir.
I'm about to go out. Estou de saída.
You look like you're about to cry. Parece que você está para chorar.
The movie's about to start. O filme está para começar.
They're about to leave. Eles estão quase saindo.
I'm not about to tell you that you're right. Eu não vou lhe dizer que está certo.
It appears that I was wrong about that. Parece que eu estava errado sobre isso.
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