Sentence examples of "diré" in Spanish

Diré esto: yo soy inocente. I'll say this: I am innocent.
Te lo diré si quieres. I will tell you if you wish.
Le diré qué tiene que decir en la reunión. I will tell her what to say at the meeting.
No se lo diré a nadie. I won't tell anyone.
Solo lo diré una vez: no hay ni habrá nada entre nosotros. I'll just say it once: there isn't and there's not going to be anything between us.
Te diré en cuanto lleguemos ahí. I'll tell you when we get there.
Si tú dices "te amo", entonces te diré lo mismo a ti. If you say, "I love you," then I will also say that to you.
Bueno, te diré como deletrear mi nombre. Well, I'll tell you how to spell my name.
No se lo diré nunca a nadie. I will never tell it to anybody.
Te diré todo lo que sé al respecto. I'll tell you all I know about it.
Le diré a la mujer lo que sé. I will tell the woman what I know.
Ya nunca diré una mentira de ahora en adelante. I will never tell a lie from now on.
Pase lo que pase no se lo diré a nadie. Whatever happens, I'll not tell anybody about it.
No tiene caso amenazarme. Aún así no te diré nada. No point in threatening me. I'll still tell you nothing.
Dime lo que tienes y te diré lo que piensas. Tell me what you have and I will tell you what you think.
Dime qué necesitas y yo te diré cómo arreglártelas sin ello. Tell me what you need and I'll tell you how to get along without it.
Tom dice no sentirse cansado. Tom says he doesn't feel tired.
Hazlo como se te dice. Do it as you are told.
Entiendo realmente lo que dices. I really understand what you mean.
No dijo ni una palabra. Not a word did he speak.
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