Ejemplos del uso de "since that time" en inglés

I have Japanese and Chinese friends who speak to each other in English since that is the only language they have in common. Yo tengo amigos japoneses y chinos que se hablan entre ellos en inglés dado que esa es la única lengua que tienen en común.
No one lived on the island at that time. Por aquel tiempo nadie vivía en la isla.
I haven't been back here since that unfortunate incident. Yo no había vuelto aquí desde aquel desafortunado incidente.
He was here at that time. Él estaba aquí entonces.
Mary was looking for you at that time. Mary te estaba buscando en ese momento.
He was good and mad by that time. Estuvo completamente resentido hasta ese momento.
She was playing with her sister at that time. Ella estaba jugando con su hermana en ese momento.
Were you at school at that time? ¿Estabas en la escuela en ese momento?
There were no railroads at that time in Japan. En Japón no había ferrocarril en esa época.
The English entered into the tea trade at that time. Los ingleses entraron en el comercio del té en aquella época.
What were you doing at that time? ¿Qué estabas haciendo en ese momento?
At that time in the courts of the feudal lords there were many scholars who engaged in discrimination, such as the followers of Xun Kuang, who wrote books that were disseminated throughout the whole world. En esa época, en las cortes de los señores feudales habían muchos escolásticos dedicados a la discriminación, tales como los seguidores de Xun Kuang, quienes escribieron libros que fueron difundidos a través de todo el mundo.
Tom was eating lunch with Mary at that time. Aquella vez, Tom estaba almorzando con Mary.
At that time, she was a student at Yale. En ese tiempo ella era estudiante en Yale.
I could not image how cruel he was at that time. No me podía imaginar lo cruel que él era entonces.
I had never seen her before that time. Yo nunca la había visto antes de aquella vez.
If my mother had still been alive, she would have helped me at that time. Si mi madre hubiera estado todavía viva, me habría ayudado en aquel entonces.
At that time, we were quite rich. Entonces éramos bastante ricos.
A good idea occurred to me at that time. En ese momento se me ocurrió una buena idea.
He was reading a book at that time. En ese momento él estaba leyendo un libro.
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