Sentence examples of "made" in English

I've made up my mind. Me he decidido.
She made believe that she was sick. Ella fingió estar enferma.
The study made it clear that smoking ruins our health. El estudio dejó claro que fumar arruina nuestra salud.
The room hasn't been made up. La habitación no está arreglada.
He made up that story. Él inventó esa historia.
In about 20 minutes she made up her face. En unos 20 minutos, ella se maquilló el rostro.
They made sure that these orders were carried out. Ellos se aseguraron de que estas órdenes se cumplieran.
Lost time must be made up for. El tiempo perdido debe ser compensado.
He made up his mind quickly. Él se decidió rápidamente.
He made believe not to be hurt. Fingió no estar lastimado.
She made it clear that she didn't like him. Ella dejó claro que él no le gustaba.
My room has not been made up Mi cuarto no se ha arreglado
He made up a story about the dog. Él se inventó una historia acerca del perro.
My mother made up her face before she went out. Mi madre se maquilló antes de salir.
"And besides," Dima made sure to add, taking out his calculator and dividing 0.99 by 3,000,000, before multiplying by 100. "You do realize that you would only lose 0.0033%, right?" - Además, -Dima se aseguró de añadir, sacando su calculadora y dividiendo 0,99 entre 3.000.000 antes de multiplicar por 100- Usted se da cuenta de que sólo perdería el 0,0033%, ¿verdad?
I have made up my mind now. Ahora me he decidido.
She made believe that she knew nothing about it. Ella fingió no saber nada al respecto.
He made it clear that he didn't like the food. Dejó claro que no le gustaba la comida.
He made up his mind right away. Él se decidió de inmediato.
And for more than an hour she made believe not to know what there was for dinner. Y por más de una hora ella fingió no saber lo que había para cenar.
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