Sentence examples of "machte" in German with translation "do"

Er machte es zum Spaß. He did it for fun.
Er machte monatelang fast nichts. For months, he did almost nothing.
Er machte keine einzige Arbeit. He didn't do any work.
Tom machte etwas sehr dummes. Tom did a very stupid thing.
Tom machte für Mary den Abwasch. Tom did the dishes for Mary.
Unsere Mannschaft machte es sehr gut. Our team did very well.
Was machte sie in seinem Zimmer? What was she doing in his room?
Tom machte es nach seiner Weise. Tom did it in his own way.
Er machte die Arbeit in zwei Tagen. He did the work in two days.
Er machte seine Hausaufgaben in aller Ruhe. He took his time doing his homework.
Der Straftäter machte böse Dinge als Kind. The criminal did evil things as a child.
Er machte, was sie ihm gesagt hatten. He did what they told him.
Er machte sofort das, was ich wollte. He did what I wanted right away.
Er machte es auf Kosten seiner Gesundheit. He did it at the expense of his health.
Ich machte die Arbeit gegen meinen Willen. I did the work against my will.
Sie machte viel Freiwilligenarbeit für das Rote Kreuz. She did a lot of voluntary work for the Red Cross.
Er machte seine Arbeit besser als jeder andere. He did the work better than anyone else.
Es machte Ihr nichts aus, das Geschirr zu spülen. She didn't mind doing the dishes.
Der Erfolg von Marilyn Monroe machte sie nicht glücklich. Marilyn Monroe's success did not make her happy.
Er machte dich mit mir bekannt, erinnerst du dich nicht? He introduced you to me, don't you remember?
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