Sentence examples of "Заехал" in Russian with translation "come"

Когда я заехал за ней, оказалось, нас уже сватали пару лет назад. And when I came to pick her up, we'd already been fixed up.
Я заехал за тобой и мы поехали на площадку для игры в гольф. I came and picked you up and we went to the golf course.
Я заеду к тебе сейчас? Can I come to you now?
Я заеду к вам позже. I'll come to you later.
Скажи, я за вами заеду. I'll come pick you up.
Я заеду завтра и заберу. I'll come back tomorrow and get it.
Хорошо, я за вами заеду. All right, I'm coming to pick you up.
Я заеду к тебе, мам. I'll come and visit, ma.
Я заеду в другой раз. I'll come by another time.
Хочешь, я за тобой заеду? Want me to come up?
Я заеду к тебе в коттедж. I &apos;ll come by the cottage.
Я заеду за тобой в восемь. I'll come for you at eight.
Я с удовольствием заеду и заберу. I 'II be happy to come and get them.
Можно я заеду к вам завтра? Can I come and see you tomorrow?
Я заеду за вами в пять. I'll come for you at five.
Так я заеду и заберу тебя? So I'll come by and pick you up?
Заедь за мной, и мы поедем. Come get me and we'll drive over.
Слушай, можно я к тебе ненадолго заеду? Can I come by and see you real quick?
Я заеду в замок сразу после полудня. I'll come by the chateau this afternoon.
Я попрошу Джоди заехать за тобой и. Well, I'll get Jodi to come down the set and.
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