Sentence examples of "cometido" in Spanish with translation "make"

Has cometido el mismo error. You made the same mistake.
Debo haber cometido un error. I must have made a mistake.
Puede que hayamos cometido un error. We may have made a mistake.
Ella reconoció haber cometido un error. She acknowledged having made a mistake.
Has cometido el mismo error otra vez. You have made the very same mistake again.
Tom descubrió que había cometido un error. Tom discovered that he had made a mistake.
¿Cómo puedes haber cometido un error semejante? How come you made such a mistake?
Él descubrió que había cometido un error. He discovered that he had made a mistake.
Ella me acusó de haber cometido un error. She accused me of making a mistake.
Debo de haber cometido un error en alguna parte. I must have made a mistake somewhere.
Tom no tuvo el valor de admitir que había cometido un error. Tom didn't have the courage to admit that he had made a mistake.
Yo me conduje a la conclusión de que habíamos cometido un error fatal. I was led to the conclusion that we made a fatal mistake.
Tom no tenía el coraje de decirle a Mary que él había cometido un error. Tom didn't have the courage to tell Mary that he had made a mistake.
No me gusta cometer errores. I do not like to make mistakes.
Cualquiera puede cometer un error. Anyone can make a mistake.
Tom no puede cometer errores. Tom cannot make mistakes.
Por poco cometo un error. I nearly made a mistake.
Francamente hablando, cometiste un error. Frankly speaking, you made a mistake.
Ella cometió un grave error. She made a serious mistake.
Usted cometió el mismo error. You made the same mistake.
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