Sentence examples of "pareció" in Spanish with translation "seem"

Ella pareció estar muy sorprendida. She seemed to be very surprised.
Él se mantuvo en silencio por lo que me pareció una hora. He was silent for what seemed to me an hour.
Tom claramente pareció disfrutar de la fiesta de la noche del viernes pasado. Tom certainly seemed to enjoy the party last Friday night.
En los años ochenta una producción operística de "Hansel y Gretel" causó furor porque el papel de la bruja lo interpretó un hombre; a nadie pareció importarle que el papel de Hansel, un papel masculino, fuera interpretado por una mujer. In the 1980’s an opera production of "Hansel and Gretel" caused a furor because the part of the Witch was played by a man; nobody seemed to care that the part of Hansel, a trouser role, was played by a woman.
Cuando recuperé el sentido, me pareció que me había crecido pelo en los dedos y en las rodillas. Cuando hubo un poco más de luz, miré mi reflejo en un manantial de la montaña, y me di cuenta de que me había convertido en un tigre. When I regained my senses, it seemed that fur had grown on my fingers and knees. When it became slightly brighter, I looked at my reflection in a mountain stream, and I realized that I had become a tiger.
A Tom parece faltarle energía. Tom seems to lack energy.
Parece que ella te odia. She seems to hate you.
Parece que no queda dinero. It seems like there's no money left.
A veces parece muy distante. Sometimes he seems very distant.
Tom parece ser muy feliz. Tom seems very happy.
Nada es lo que parece. Nothing is as it seems.
Parece que él es rico. It seems that he is rich.
Parece que nos hemos perdido. It seems that we have lost our way.
Tom siempre parece estar quejándose. Tom always seems to be complaining.
Tom parece divertirse provocando discusiones. Tom seems to enjoy provoking arguments.
Este libro nos parece fácil. This book seems easy to us.
Parece que hay un error. There seems to be a mistake.
No parece estar muy cansado. He does not seem to be very tired.
Él parece haber sido rico. He seems to have been rich.
Tom no parece ser feliz. Tom doesn't seem to be happy.
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