Sentence examples of "por" in Spanish with translation "because"

Por estar cansado, se acostó temprano. Because he was tired, he went to bed early.
Fueron asesinados simplemente por no ser blancos. They were killed just because they were not whites.
No me casé con ella por amor. I didn't marry her because I loved her.
No me casé con él por ser rico. I didn't marry him because he is rich.
No desprecies a la gente por ser pobre. Don't despise others because they are poor.
Por que ningún hombre sabe hablar mi idioma. Because no man can speak my language.
Ella le regañó por haber dejado la puerta abierta. She scolded him because he left the door open.
El presidente abandonó esa idea por no ser realista. The president gave up the idea because it was not practical.
Los hechos no dejan de existir por ser ignorados. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
Él no pudo ir a la fiesta por estar enfermo. Because he was ill, he could not go to the party.
No puedo ver adentro por que están echadas las cortinas. I can't see in because the curtains are closed.
Me tengo que ir pronto por que dejé el motor andando. I have to go soon because I left the engine running.
Tom se interesó por la música porque su vecino tenía harto de músico. Tom became interested in music because his neighbor was quite a musician.
Pensé que ella estaba enojada conmigo por no pagar la cuenta a tiempo. I thought she was angry at me because I didn't pay the bill in time.
Ese informe fue importante porque señaló todos los errores cometidos por el comité. That report was important because it pointed out all the errors the committee had made.
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