Sentence examples of "viene" in Spanish with translation "come"

Su esposa viene de California. His wife comes from California.
No sé de dónde viene. I don't know where he comes from.
Mayo viene después de abril. May comes after April.
No sé si viene George. I don't know if George is coming.
Adivina quién viene esta noche. Guess who's coming tonight.
Esta palabra viene del griego. This word comes from Greek.
Aquí viene Jane. ¿La conoces? Here comes Jane. Do you know her?
Ella todavía no viene aquí. She has not come here yet.
Viene con sopa o ensalada. It comes with soup or salad.
Si viene, ¿qué debería decirle? If he comes, what should I say to him?
Viene una tormenta de nieve. A snowstorm is coming in.
Según ella, él no viene. According to her, he isn't coming.
Una desgracia nunca viene sola. An misfortune never comes alone.
Mucha gente famosa viene aquí. Lots of famous people come here.
Viene una tormenta de hielo. An ice storm is coming in.
Él viene a mi país. He's coming to my country.
Viene una tormenta de arena. A dust storm is coming.
Si viene, dale este papel. If he comes, give him this paper.
¿Viene en tren o autobús? Is he coming by train or by bus?
Mi hermano viene el lunes. My brother is coming on Monday.
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