Sentence examples of "considerada" in Spanish

Zürich es considerada una metrópoli financiera. Zürich is considered to be a major financial hub.
La filosofía es a menudo considerada difícil. Philosophy is often regarded as difficult.
Mi amiga Kei es preciosa, pero no es considerada con los demás. My friend Kei is beautiful, but she is not considerate to others.
Ella es muy considerada y paciente. She is very thoughtful and patient.
Es muy lamentable que su solicitud haya sido considerada inaceptable. It is highly regrettable that your request was considered to be unacceptable.
La vista es considerada como la más compleja entre los cinco sentidos. The sight is considered the most complex of the five senses.
Una persona con un IMC de 25 a 29 es considerada con sobrepeso. A person with a BMI of 25 to 29 is considered overweight.
Estoy considerando irme con ellos. I'm considering going with them.
Yo lo considero mi enemigo. I regard him as an enemy.
Le considero un periodista prometedor. I think of him as a promising journalist.
Fuiste considerado al no distraernos. You were considerate not to disturb us.
Muchas gracias por su considerado obsequio. Thank you very much for your thoughtful present.
Te considero mi mejor amigo. I look on you as my best friend.
Esto es algo a considerar. This is something to consider.
Le consideramos un gran hombre. We regard him as a great man.
Ella se considera una persona inteligente. She thinks of herself as an intelligent person.
Tú eres considerado, pero ¿no crees que deberías esforzarte un poco más en comprender las sutilezas de la mente humana? You're considerate, but don't you think you should work a little more at understanding the subtleties of the human mind?
Le considero un gran escritor. I consider him a great writer.
Einstein se consideraba un filósofo. Einstein regarded himself a philosopher.
Tenemos que considerar detenidamente el plan. We have to think over the plan.
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